On epidemics, education and connection…

When the World Health Organisation declared that the COVID-19 virus was a global health emergency, a whole manner of elements of daily life got shut down. While the majority of this shut-down and the quarantines are centred on China and the provinces around the epicentre, Wuhan, here in neighbouring Vietnam, we have been feeling the … Continue reading On epidemics, education and connection…

What are you made of? 

Not all girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear. If you were to make a 'recipe for you', what would it contain?  What are the essential ingredients that make you who you are? I read the above quote and … Continue reading What are you made of? 

David’s Story

We know that in adults, if you go to Polmont Prison and you speak to young offenders there who are violent young men, they don’t know any better; they were brought up in a war zone so they are warriors, that is what they do, that’s how they understand life.  - John Carnochan - I … Continue reading David’s Story